Dressed for Christmas

Christmas Dressing, Holiday Dressing,

Ready for Christmas

Why dressing for the Holidays matters. Any why you should care.

There’s nothing like procrastinating Holiday preparations like pushing off choosing an outfit for Christmas Eve dinner. I know, I’ve done it. Luckily I live across the street from my sister who is not only my BFF but also exactly my size. That’s the upside, as long as she isn’t wearing what I’d like to borrow out of her closet for the very same gathering. Last time this happened I ended up in a sweater dress. Nuff said. Not to say the dress wasn’t stylish, it just wasn’t my personal style. But what could I do? Go to Thanksgiving lunch with my father in law at the Country Club in east Texas with a pale yellow summer dress on? That was not an option, I had to make a good impression. For my husband’s sake and our 9 year old who swears I don’t know anything about fashion “now”. OK so according to a fourth grader I am sartorially impaired, fine, I can live with that but I still need something to wear for Christmas Eve dinner. I so want to get away with a pair of black high waisted jeans but even in Austin I think that would be lame. Fine.

So I’ll have to riffle thru my closet which I just purged of 40% of it’s content at a ladies clothing swap a few weeks ago and find something to wear. Why can’t H&M be closer to my house? And why did my nearly 40 year old self just cringe for thinking that? I promise I will find something festive to wear and post it, gasp, here.

In the meantime, why should you care about dressing for the Holidays? A list, in 3 parts.

1) It can be fun under the right circumstances and with the right amount of champagne. It get’s those festive feelings flowing like nothing else. It also helps if you have a sister.

2) It’s an exterior acknowledgment of a celebration. Even if you don’t feel perky your Christmas outfit can shout that you are full of Holiday Cheer and Merriment. It tells your social circle and your family that you are aware it’s the Holidays and you’re ready to party.

3) You get to shop. Well, maybe. That, or you get to closet surf all your girlfriends closets and find out what they’re really keep in there. Presents anyone?

That’s all I have for now. I know there is more, so please leave me a comment down below with your own reason on why it’s important to dress for the Holidays. Thanks for reading!

Alina Prax